Professional team
In Ibiza Lawyers, the academic and professional quality of our lawyers is fundamental, as well as constant training, in order to adequately respond to the problems that are inherent to modern society.
The key to success of our team is also based on its multidisciplinary character (Law and Economics), which gives our clients the assurance that their case will be attended by a specialist in a given field. Mutual collaboration and evaluation of different criteria is our every day practice.
Another relevant aspect of our professional team is the mastery of several languages, which allows us to achieve the maximum proximity and understanding with a client.
In addition, we have lawyers with double degrees in Spanish and German Law.
In Ibiza Lawyers, the academic and professional quality of our lawyers is fundamental, as well as constant training, in order to adequately respond to the problems that are inherent to modern society.
Secretarial area
At Ibiza Lawyers we have a large administrative team, vital and attentive, which guarantees an efficient file management system.

Our philosophy
Knowledge and experience at the service of our clients