Miguel Ángel Roig Davison
Lawyer and Economist
17th of December, 1983

Degree in Law from the University Pompeu Fabra (2005). Degree in Business Administration and Management (2007). Master Degree in Economic Rights (2007). Attended various courses in the field of Economy at the University of Edinburg (Scotland, UK), and Phd. courses in Law at the University of Harvard (Massachussets, USA), Max Planck Institute (Hamburg, Germany) y Gerzeenzee (Switzerland). Author of several doctrinal articles (Indret.com). Collaborated in development of the following books: "Treatise on the Civil Liability of Manufacturer", Editorial Civitas, 2008, and "Catalonian Legal Dictionary", Institut d´Estudis Catalans. Member of the Bar Association of the Balearic Islands since 2004. Member of the Association of Economists of the Balearic Islands since 2006.
Practicing as a lawyer since 2004; specializes in Civil Law, Real Estate Law, Urban Development Law, Company Law and litigation.
Er ist in der Emerita Legal Rangliste als bester Anwalt Ibizas in den folgenden Fachgebieten aufgeführt: Verträge, Gesellschaften, Nichterfüllung und Entschädigungen, Eigentum und verwandte Rechte, Vertragsbruch, Register und Notare. Darüber hinaus gehört er in mehr als 6 Kategorien zu den 10 besten Anwälten der Balearen und bei Schadensersatz wegen Vertragsverletzung zu den 100 besten Anwälten Spaniens.
Spanish, Catalonian and English (mother tongue)

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